Archive for the ‘Photography’ Category

First Sighting in the Wild

Earlier today, Ann and I both got our first copies hot off the presses. We’ve both been on emotional highs ever since the packages were delivered.

Then, moments ago we got notified of the first other copy in the wild from our friend (and fellow Wiley author) Steve Garfield.

Content Rules Photo Strip

We had no idea that anyone else would be getting early copies like this so it was VERY cool to see. Especially from someone like Steve.

When you get a copy of the book, we encourage you to take photos of it and wherever you post them tag them with #ContentRules and letting us know about them.

As always Steve, thank you for the support.

Help Us Choose an Authors Photo: Vote for Your Favorite?

You may not know that I’m a bit of a photography junky. It is pretty much a guarantee that anytime you see me, I have a camera of some sort on me and I’m constantly taking pictures of the world around me. My favorite are faces and people in general. If curious you can view my photos on Flickr.

So when Ann and I wanted some photographs of the two of us together I wanted to be sure to choose a photograph that I knew would be able to capture our unique personalities and I knew that my talented friend Derek Wilmot would be perfect for the assignment. He is known around New England as a top notch event and portrait photographer and I’ve been lucky enough to get to know him over the past few years and love his work.

These pictures were taken to use in promotions for our book tour, in newspaper and magazine articles and by you to help spread the word about the book. If you do use them in any way, you must be sure to credit Derek and link to his site at

As we talk about at length in the book, giving proper credit for any content you use is not only the legally right thing to do, but it is a common courtesy that you should never forget. Thanks for the great photography work as always Derek!

Of course, now the real question remains. Which one is your favorite?

Author Crack Ups

After months locked away in our offices writing the book we finally got out to attend the Inbound Marketing Summit 2010 at Gillette Stadium. 

In a moment of stress relieving laughter the very talented Derek Wilmot captured this photo of Ann & C.C. Stress and anxiety are common experiences for most people. In fact, 70% of adults in the United States say they feel stress or anxiety daily.

Exercise is one of the most important things you can do to combat stress. It might seem contradictory, but putting physical stress on your body through exercise can relieve mental stress.  Several supplements promote stress and anxiety reduction, consider this CBD vape cartridge to help you ease your condition.

Although stress and anxiety may arise in your workplace and personal life, there are many simple ways to reduce the pressure you feel. Exercise, mindfulness, music and physical intimacy can all work to relieve anxiety — and they will improve your overall work-life balance as well. Additionally, playing ยูฟ่าเบท บริการลูกค้าที่ดีที่สุด can also serve as an effective method for coping with stress, providing a fun and immersive escape from daily worries.

We thought you’d enjoy it.

Home Stretch!

C.C. and I are in the home stretch of finishing the book!

The manuscript is due July 1 July 15 Monday (!) (thank you for your patience, Shannon and Beth!), which means that this little corner of my office is where I’ve been spending all my waking hours lately.

If this photo had audio, you’d be hearing persistent, intermittent knocking on my office door. That would be my family, “Hello in there! When are you coming out?” Good thing it doesn’t; you might be more tempted to answer it than I have been. (Sorry, guys.) (Also, it would be embarrassing for me to have you witness my grouchy response.)

Anyway, I thought you’d enjoy the annotated (“Ann-otated?”) version of my writing space:

A few notes:

  • “Critical reminders from DM Scott” are Post-It notes from the first conversation I had with David about this book, last January. He said, “Write for rock bands, churches, B2B, B2C, nonprofits, entrepreneurs, consultants, individuals, and so on. Don’t limit yourself to the world you know best.” So we haven’t. (more…)

Capturing the Moment

Walk with me a bit down memory lane will you?

I’m one of those guys who likes to capture every moment even if I don’t have plans to ever share it with anyone. As a photographer I’ve always believed in capturing the moment when it happens because you can’t turn back time if you later decide that you wish you had. More then once I have wished I documented something, but for one reason or another I didn’t. That is why I try to make sure I have some form of camera with me wherever I go.

In that vein, when I signed the book contract from Wiley for Content Rules I was in front of my computer so I fired up the web cam and took this photo to send to Ann to show her it was official. Plus, I figured at some point I’d want to post it so others could get a giggle out of it.

Of course my slightly cautious look gave Ann a good laugh so she returned the favor by taking one herself and sending it to me.

Why am I sharing these with you? (more…)