A Quick Update

This week we hit the very big milestone of turning in the completed manuscript so I figured it would be a good time to update everyone and to answer some questions that we’ve been getting asked over and over. Thanks to everyone for all the words of encouragement you’ve been sending lately. We appreciate each and every one of them.

13 Responses to “A Quick Update”

  1. Selina Says:

    Woohoo- Congrats on the first milestone!

  2. C.C. Chapman Says:

    Thanks sweetie. It was a hard one, but a huge one and we are very excited about it.

  3. annhandley Says:

    Great video, CC! (Love that cool bumper bit, too.)

    I think we need to fashion cardboard cutouts of each other for situations such as these…. doesn't @PerkettPR have us lying around somewhere….?

  4. C.C. Chapman Says:

    Oh yeah! I actually have mine that they made for that conference last year. Maybe we SHOULD have each others. That would have been a riot if I had you with me here 🙂

  5. annhandley Says:

    Last I heard, Jeff Cutler had me stashed in a closet somewhere… (which feels a little weird to write!), unless he tossed me out with the garbage.

  6. C.C. Chapman Says:

    Wow are there a bunch of inappropriate jokes that could be made here, but I'll bite my tongue.

  7. stevegarfield Says:

    Congratulations! Sweet intro animation. How'd you do that?

  8. C.C. Chapman Says:

    The only way I know how: I hired someone to make it for us *laugh*

    I did the music for it in Garageband, but I have zero animation skills 🙂

  9. DJ Waldow Says:

    I admit it. I just “liked” this BEFORE I watched it. Now that's called trust and respect, right?

    /watching now/

    DJ Waldow

  10. annhandley Says:

    You just crack me up….

  11. DJ Waldow Says:

    C.C and Ann – PUMPED (of course). I actually can't imagine the work that goes into producing a (kick ass) book. Wild stuff. Excited for you both…

    I love your honesty and openness during this process, C.C. Great to hear you say, “I don't know!”

    *Nice call on Hannukah … or is it Channukah or Chanuka?

    DJ Waldow

  12. C.C. Chapman Says:

    Being honest is the only way I know to be and we are getting a lot of questions that as a first time authors, we just don't know what the answers are yet.

    As we find out information we will share it. I just wish we had more answers already! *grin*

  13. Alicia C. Staley Says:

    I'm so excited for you both! I can't wait to read it. Keep up the great work.